Authorized mobile importers’ future at risk – if current tariffs remained

“With the present high tariff, the entire market would be in the hands of smugglers,” Pedram Elikaee told Mobna news agency.
“The absence of a proper surveillance on the mobile market and the authorities’ half-hearted approach on mobile smuggling has resulted in the present state of affairs,” he added.
“The Government’s decision to go ahead with targeted subsidies will only increase the public’s demand for low-price mobiles, which will then lead to their price rise,” he added.
“However, the surge in demand for low-price mobiles could adversely affect the sale of famous brands and hence the importers,” he said.
“A mere 15% cut in tariff could boost the sale of sets with original warranty,” he added.
“The Government raised the tariff some years ago in an effort to protect domestic mobile production, but that has only increased the smugglers’ activities,” he said.

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