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Calls with 1,500,000-Rial SIM card based on old tariff

Saaber Feizi, in conversation with MOBNA, referred to Telecom’s 1st Operator license saying the time of 1,500,000-Rial presentation is not yet fixed and will be announced as soon as it is established.
He indicated that the SIM card, like the postpaid, is state-owned and only different in cost and application registration, such that applicants should only pay for subscription.
He added, however, that the 1,500,000-Rial figure will not be regarded as deposit, the practice followed from now on.
He stressed that the tariff will be the same as for postpaid SIM cards, saying that no code has yet been decided although 8 and 9 are probable.
With the new SIM card, it is hoped that the present black market concerning state SIM cards will disappear and their delivery time will be short.
It had been announced earlier that their sale would start in mid-June.
Applications may be made in person or via website www.mci.ir.
The price of the SIM card is 1,200,000 Rial plus 300,000 Rial for rates and tax.
So far the overall price has been 2,880,000 Rial.


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