دسته‌بندی نشده

Negotiations with Zain over third nationwide mobile operator to continue

“Zain-Iran consortium proposition to handle Iran third mobile phone operator project has been announced to Radio Communication and Regulations Organization,” he who wished not to be named told Irans mobile news agency (MOBNA).
“Telecommunication ministry officials have not determined any special date for Zain-Iran consortium to offer necessary license but it seems that the result will be announced soon,” he said.
Earlier telecommunication minister deputy has announced that Zain- Iran consortium replaced Tamin-Etisalat consortium to implement third operator project and its deadline was on 20 May.
Kamal Mahamedpour had said that if Zain consortium can not offer needed warrantees in due date, the third winner of tender will enter negotiations with Radio Communication and Regulations Organization.
Tamin-Etisalat consortium was dismissed from third operator tender because it did not perform its commitments and according to tender law, second winner of tender (Zain-Iran) replaced Etisalat.
Zain-Iran consortium compromises of Iran Broadcasting retired fund and retired teachers fund and Kuwaiti operator Zain.

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